Week 44: College Reading and Writing: Michael Klein and Monte Frank
Michael Klein and Monte Frank: Annotating, Summarizing, Analyzing,
to annotate: to make notes on something
to help you understand it better
to summarize: to put something in your
own words
to analyze: to consider a question on the
text, providing supporting examples from the text
to imitate: to create an original piece
of writing based on something you have read
We are doing the twenty-eighth poem and
response in the book today, starting on page 100.
Exercise: Read and annotate
1. Read the poem and response out loud
and underline any words you need to look up
2. Write any questions you have in the
margins or in your notebook
3. Put tricky parts into your own words
in notes in the margins or in your notebook
Exercise: Questions for comprehension of the poem
1. What is a “The Talking Day” and why is
it the title of the poem (Klein 100)?
2. What is the purpose of brackets in
this poem?
3. Why does the speaker focus on
Exercise: Summarize the poem
Write a paragraph summarizing the poem
with quotations, in-text citation, and a Work Cited Page.
Example too-short summary, incorporating quotation and
in-text citation:
Brenda Hillman’s poem “The Family Sells the Family Gun”
tells the story of siblings getting rid of their father’s gun after “his
ashes...were lying” (87). The speaker questions what it means to own and get
rid of a gun in America, saying, “[w]e couldn’t take it to the cops even in my
handbag” (Hillman 88).
Work Cited Page
(for today’s poem)
Klein, Michael. “The
Talking Day.” Bullets Into Bells: Poets
and Citizens Respond to Gun Violence. Ed. Brian Clements et al. Beacon
Press, 2017.
Exercise: Questions for Comprehension of the response
- What do we learn from the morning routine in
the response?
- What is the speaker still waiting for in the
- Why does the speaker refer to 9/11?
Exercise: Summarize the response
Write a paragraph summarizing the
response with quotations, in-text citation, and a Work Cited Page.
Exercise: Analysis
Question for analysis: There are
similarities and differences to how Klein and Frank understand the idea of “The
Talking Day” (100, 102). Closely examine the two texts and write an analysis
where you think about each author’s perspective, their relationships to gun
violence, and how that might affect their understanding of and experience with
“The Talking Day” (Klein 100, Frank 102).
Exercise: Imitation
Write a poem about fear. List all of the
reasons you are worried. Use other elements from Klein’s poem that you admire
to make your own poem stronger.
Summary of
Summary of
Analysis of Poem
and Response
Imitation of
About this class:
In this class, you are welcome to submit
homework for a grade. If it’s not strong enough to earn an A, I’ll give you
some comments to help you revise it, and let you do it over again. You have as
many chances as you want to complete and perfect the work in this class, and
you are welcome to do more than one week’s worksheet for homework at a time;
ask me for sheets you’ve missed. Students who complete 15 weeks of graded
assignments and a longer paper can qualify for college credit. When you get
close to completing 15 weeks, I’ll help you get started on your longer
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